April 9, 2013

The Florida Trip

We are back and recovered from our trip to Florida.  It went really well despite my worries about taking the trip by myself.  Other than the usual “kid” complaints, the car trip there and back went very smoothly. 

I am so thankful for the help and support I received while in Florida.  And, while this may seem common place to some, it is quite a change for me.  We are here, in Atlanta, without any family.  While it is our choice to be here, it is very easy to become accustomed to doing most things without any help.  So, having help on this trip was a nice departure for me.
It also gave me the chance to look at things very differently.   Too see things as I remembered them, but to see them in a completely different light.  I’ve grown since being in Florida. I grew up in Florida – spent the first 25 years of my life there.  And, as much as I remember specific landmarks or scenery, I SEE it completely differently. 
While there, I took quite a trip down memory lane – to the places and instances of being on the beach, eating at favorite restaurants, hanging out with friends.  I remembered the way old coastal buildings smell – like a mixture of the sea and aged timber.  It is a beautiful smell:  historic and encompassing.
The beach sand under-foot on the hard wood floors of our Bread and Breakfast room was reminiscent of days spent with family and friends at the beach; casual, laid-back and completely relaxing.  These were the days before bustling Destin or Seaside.  These were the days of Old Florida. 
Our B&B room was aptly named “Old Florida”.  It contained nostalgic pictures of the way Florida looked way-back-when.  The days when Weeki Wachee was the place you went on vacation, and going Wakulla Springs included a trip to see Big Al, the alligator.  Disney World was on the list, but that was saved for your “big vacation” later on, sometime down the road.
In Florida, nature is presented in sea shells and ground-level palm fronds growing among scrubby bushes.   The beach sand is actually white (!), and is wonderfully powdery.  Spanish moss hangs from ancient Oak trees and sways with the wind.  It is quiet, and you can see most all of the stars at night – especially at the beach. 
I am so grateful for this trip, for the help I received while in Florida, and for the opportunity to slow down.  I REMEMBERED! And, that is the best part of all. 
Congratulations to my sister and her husband!  Y’all deserved a special day surrounded by family, friends and beauty.  Oh, and, it’s about time you guys got married!

April 3, 2013

The 100 Question Day

“Mommy, why are we going to Wal-Mart?” (Because we need things for our trip tomorrow)

“Mommy, can I have the Snoopy toothbrush?”  (Yes)
“Mommy, what is that movie?”  (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
"Are we getting it?"  (Yes)
“Mommy, why does Harry Potter fly on a broom?”  (Because he’s a Wizard, and he’s magic)
“Mommy, can I build a fort?” (Not right now)  This really means, "mommy, can you build a fort?"
“Mommy, why do we need batteries?”  (For your Leapster)
“Mommy, can I have some water?”  (One sec, buddy.  I’m taking care of your cheese and crackers first)
"Mommy, did you forget my water?"  (Sure did.  One more sec, buddy)  He got the water...finally.
"Mommy, what is this?"  (A nail hammered in the wood.  Someone left it sticking out a little)
"Why is it here?" (I don't know)
"Why is it sticking out?"  (I don't know that either)
“Mommy, is a T-Rex stronger than a car?”  (Yes)
“Why?”  (silence)
“Mommy….why?”  (Oh, my God….make it stop [to myself])
Today was the day of no-fewer-than-100-questions from my son.  I’m not even kidding.

I appreciate his curiosity, and have grown to expect lots of questions from him on a daily basis.  It means he's learning through observation.  It means he's analyzing and forming conclusions.  But, today….today really was over the top – even for him. 
It’s the third day into Spring Break, and man, I am ready to get out of here. We, obviously, all are.  I've purposefully not scheduled anything for the beginning of the week because we are going to Florida for my sister’s wedding tomorrow through Saturday.
I just have to make it through 6 hours in the car with Mr. QM (Question Machine) and his little sister.   She’s two and a half.  Did I mention I’ll be doing this by myself?
.....yep....all. by. myself.

Updates to follow - they should be interesting.

April 2, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Hello all.  I'm back!  The Pantry Experiment is officially derailed.  It went pretty well....for about three weeks, then "life" happened....you know....kids, a husband, the church Consignment Sale (which I was in charge of), oh, and....officially....we are moving! 



We were one of the unfortunate families that got caught in the housing crisis of 2008.  We've stuck it out in our cramped townhouse for a long time.  We've adjusted and re-adjusted our (crappy) attitude toward our townhouse many, many times.  And, just when I thought this place would be our family home for many years to come....surprise.....God sent a blessing to us in the form of a Realtor named Allison.  She is now my BFF.  Seriously, y'all. 

With Allison, we found a new home.  An actual house!  With a big yard (front AND back), a basement, and four actual bedrooms!   It even has a formal living room and a dining room.  We are Big Time now! 

I'm so incredibly happy that I cannot even stand it.  And, through this process, I find myself wondering about the future - what will it hold?  How will our family adjust to the new surroundings?  Will the kids like the schools?   Will our neighbors like us?  Will we like them?  Will we truly get the two puppies my son is asking for?  (not if I have my way - one dog at a time thankyouverymuch!)

Know what else I've held in my thoughts over the last few months?  That I truly still need to write.  Writing is the one constant I've felt the need to pursue  no matter where I am or what is going on in my life. 

Sometimes, my thoughts race through my head so fast, I can hardly finish one thought before the next speeds into my brain and slams into the first thought.  The only way I can keep track of things is to write things down. 

Plus, I find getting things written down to be a cathartic process.  So, here I am - back to writing.  This time, it's just me and my thoughts.  Hopefully, I'll say something that reaches you.  Maybe, through my crazy life, I'll touch on a subject that means something to someone.  That's all I can hope for if I take my task seriously.