April 3, 2013

The 100 Question Day

“Mommy, why are we going to Wal-Mart?” (Because we need things for our trip tomorrow)

“Mommy, can I have the Snoopy toothbrush?”  (Yes)
“Mommy, what is that movie?”  (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
"Are we getting it?"  (Yes)
“Mommy, why does Harry Potter fly on a broom?”  (Because he’s a Wizard, and he’s magic)
“Mommy, can I build a fort?” (Not right now)  This really means, "mommy, can you build a fort?"
“Mommy, why do we need batteries?”  (For your Leapster)
“Mommy, can I have some water?”  (One sec, buddy.  I’m taking care of your cheese and crackers first)
"Mommy, did you forget my water?"  (Sure did.  One more sec, buddy)  He got the water...finally.
"Mommy, what is this?"  (A nail hammered in the wood.  Someone left it sticking out a little)
"Why is it here?" (I don't know)
"Why is it sticking out?"  (I don't know that either)
“Mommy, is a T-Rex stronger than a car?”  (Yes)
“Why?”  (silence)
“Mommy….why?”  (Oh, my God….make it stop [to myself])
Today was the day of no-fewer-than-100-questions from my son.  I’m not even kidding.

I appreciate his curiosity, and have grown to expect lots of questions from him on a daily basis.  It means he's learning through observation.  It means he's analyzing and forming conclusions.  But, today….today really was over the top – even for him. 
It’s the third day into Spring Break, and man, I am ready to get out of here. We, obviously, all are.  I've purposefully not scheduled anything for the beginning of the week because we are going to Florida for my sister’s wedding tomorrow through Saturday.
I just have to make it through 6 hours in the car with Mr. QM (Question Machine) and his little sister.   She’s two and a half.  Did I mention I’ll be doing this by myself?
.....yep....all. by. myself.

Updates to follow - they should be interesting.

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